Saturday, July 29, 2017

Raise Them Up!
Raise Them Up Spiritually, Purposely, Publicly
Each one for The Other...
Raise Them Up Creatively, Heartily, Intellectually
Your Hearts and Mine.
Raise Them Up Socially, So - Happily, Opening Doors
Expecting More.
Raise Them Up Actively, Vigorously, Yes, It's Time
For Hearts To Shine
Hearts of Mankind.
Raise Them Up My Brother and Me, Soooo Lovingly,
Their Hearts
Yours and Mine.
Raise Them Up
Raise Them Up -- Up...
Raise up hearts in your community...

Which one will win?

Which one will win?
An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. 

He said to them, 'A fight is going on inside me . . . it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.' 

They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, 'Which wolf will win?' 

The old Cherokee simply replied . . . 'The one you feed.'
Author Unknown

Friday, July 28, 2017

Loving Self Better to Love Others More!

Loving Self Better to Love Others More!

Loving self better to love others more is...
An Extreme LOVING Experience!
"To know the depths of God's love for me is an extreme loving experience.
To know God gave the very best He had causes me to feel that there is nothing He wouldn't do for me.
If one could imagine the wrestling and pain the Father experienced to decide that the only hope for me and mankind is to give his Only Begotten Son, to me that is an extreme loving experience.
It doesn't get any more extreme than that. To allow the Spirit of God to move you to a place where you can experience this love erases the fears that causes you to not love yourself. There is no more guilt and shame. There is no more consideration about what others think of you. You are free to experience yourself extremely without the fear of over loving yourself to the expense of your love for God the Father. This is the healthy balance between loving God and loving yourself.
Minister Freddie Ford of Katallage

An Extreme LOVING Experience (AELEX)!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

What Am I?

What Am I?

"I can creep up on you in an instant and change your mood.
I can lift you up. I can drag you down.
I have the ability to make you doubt yourself.
I can cause you to cry.
I can give you a boost of energy or I can discourage you.
I am so powerful I can create in you a great purpose
But, often I will point out all the reasons why you will fail.
I am such a big part of you that you just go about your day taking me for granted.
This is not good - not good at all, because I can do so much for you,
If you would just let me.
But, know – I am at your beck and call
My job is to follow not lead.
I always give what you request.
What Am I?"

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Snippets Network - a place where love lives, blossoms, spreads and empowers!

Happy Wednesday Friends of The Snippets Network:

The Snippets Network 
A place where love lives, blooms, spreads and empowers!  

Our SUNSHINE Brand stimulate the mind, warm the heart and soothe the soul!

To all of you who helped make the launch of our first online course "An Extreme LOVING Experience (AELEX)" a great success; THANK YOU.

I worked hard to create a fun, learning and loving experience and sincerely hope you are enjoying your time learning, laughing and loving with An Extreme LOVING Experience (AELEX)!

Remember, the special pricing for An Extreme LOVING Experience (AELEX)! celebrating Independence Day 2017 ends July 31st. 

Today is a great time to get the course & workbook for only ten dollars ($10.00).  So, please sign up today and tell a heart you care about.

Thanks for being our friend!
TR Johnson Ford, feeding hearts in your community!
Home of the SUNSHINE Brand
Voice:   404-491-2933

A stress-filled day!

Here's how to have a very stressful day!
Super speeding ticket = extremely high costs = court appearance = time and energy lost = points most likely added to driving record = higher insurance premium.
This can create a very stressful day and an extremely anxious week.
Results = speeding reduced, no court appearance, no points, no increase in insurance (just court fees) = a better day. Why – all other fees paid through a monthly legal and identity protection membership.
A caveat – there always is! This shared information does not endorse speeding. It does not guarantee your situation will turn out in the same manner. It is simply caring and sharing...
I share an experience to highlight the reason(s) I’ve had a legal shield membership for many years and also why I market Legal and Identity Theft Protection to individuals, families, and businesses as an Independent Associate.
Yes, it is definitely better to fix that roof when the sun is shining than when it is raining.
TR Johnson Ford, feeding hearts good in your community!