Thursday, March 29, 2018

People Talk about YES!

See What Others Say...

I do not think chronological age determines the age of our hearts. At 73 years of age, I still have a young heart. Young-hearts Energizing Snippets (YES) has given me additional suggestions to feed my heart to continue to keep it young. The information in this course is ageless. It will be of great benefit to all who read and APPLY it.
The Bible tells us to "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flows the springs of life.”Proverbs 4:23 - The Amplified Bible. I do not think this scripture means for us to close our heart but to do as the course recommends and keep it open. Of course, we must be mindful of what we let in so that we do not defile our gift/heart.
I was probably in my late middle to late sixties when I discovered the power of words. Every day I have to be mindful of what comes out of my mouth and sometimes I correct myself when what I say is not positive. The Bible tells us ("Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]".)Proverbs 18:21 - The Amplified Bible. Young people exposed to this course will not have to take over fifty years to gain this essential knowledge.

— Min. Dr. Carolyn Walker

Monday, March 26, 2018

My Lover’s Diary!  

 As I sat in church this morning, these words came into my mind “guilty pleasures”. Why they came while I was in church, I don’t know. I thought about the relationships I have. Could my relationships be a Guilty Pleasure?” I have to admit they bring much pleasure to my life. The guilt that follows the pleasure is overwhelming. I searched the meaning of guilty pleasure; and found it included a sense of shame, but there is no shame in my game.

They spent over two hours on the phone. Brenda listened, he talked. He talked about his divorce, placing the blame on himself, saying he wanted to marry again. He talked about how his Dad taught him how to love a woman. He talked.  She listened. He made her laugh, a good thing. Yes, he had a way with words. He was so winning her over.

He said he liked her looks. She pretended not to understand.  He said she did not need to do much to look good. His words were practiced, ones he used often.  He studied women and played on their softness. He portrayed himself as a little eccentric. This added to the persona he built for himself. And, yes, it worked.

He started bringing little gifts to her office. He told her she was special to him. This was part of The Game.  The unexpected gifts, a single rose, a boxed lunch, a beautiful book of poetry showed thoughtfulness. She had never owned a poetry book before. He opened a new door for her.  She felt good. She started to care

 Shame that my relationship with the almighty God is in jeopardy, a conflict I deal with daily. God will allow us to do what we want, BUT there are consequences for our choices.

18 Jupiter Lane 
A timeless place of mystery, magic, and love.

Author TR Johnson Ford - Be Blessed with Love Always!


Friday, March 23, 2018

Grace is...

Bible study last night was GREAT!

The topic, God's Grace was so comforting.  The message helped me understand what God's Amazing Grace is in my life.  Minister Freddie words "Grace is an attitude of gratitude, a thankfulness beyond words" were truly inspiring.

I think how often before a meal I say, "God is Grace, God is good,” not really taking into account the true power of these six simple words.  Yes, just simple words – but the power of these words can do so much good in our lives.

Minister Freddie read the lyrics from the beautiful and hypnotizing hymn - Amazing Grace.  He also shared with us some history of this great hymn, a learning lesson for many on the call.  It made me reflect how easily these beautiful words glide from our mouths, but they are so much more than soothing and inspiring words when we take the time reflect on what they mean...

Again, to be under God's Grace is a choice, one, we all own.  For me, it is my purpose to live under God's Grace every day of my life.
Here is a link about the history of the beautiful and warming Amazing Grace hymn - yes,a great way to love your heart today...

Thursday Online Bible Study - 7- 8 p.m. (dial 1-605-475-4120 - pin: 231 0541) a growing group of believers learning and loving the Word together! 

Yes, Love My Heart Day is TODAY!
Be Blessed With Love ALWAYS!  TR Ford

Home of SUNSHINE Brands


Morning Dose of SUNSHINE!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Six reasons to click on
The first three resides in the name, and are, as well, three of life’s most potent and contagious necessities for strengthening the mind, soothing soul, and warming the heart.  
ü Learning
ü Laughing
ü Loving

ü Grows appreciation for loving who you are NOW and whom you continue to grow into.

ü Each course starts with self and grows into increased mindfulness and care for others.

ü The courses, books, and all resources are entertaining, educational, and empowering offering a lifetime value.


ü  Click on one or all of the above and remember…

2018–The Year of EMPOWERED


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Bible Study Tonight!
March 13, 2018

Making the connection to God. What assurance do we have that we are saved?  Why is salvation necessary?

Matthew 7:21-23 
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Ask Freddie Show, Your Brother In Christ!

Call in #(773) 897-3989

7:00 - 8:30 PM 

These Bible Study lessons have been very fruitful, I think for all who join in.  So, why not phone in and join in - let love our hearts as we share and grow in the Word together...TR

Monday, March 12, 2018

The Most Perfect Gift of All!

Love your creator especially through the ugly, the bad, and as well, the good – grows and strengthens your heart.
Love yourself even when you are not truly yourself - transforms your heart.
Love others when they do not show you love – stimulates your heart.
Love your heart by treating it well – blooms your heart!
Love your heart by sharing it with everyone you meet – circulates the love in your heart. 
Giving your heart away renews your heart.
Love – stimulates the perfect gift from God – your heart!
Love your heart by feeding it life's good,
then share it with others, this, your most perfect gift of all!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Happy Almost Friday friends of TSN Online Community!

Nine things of interest to ponder…

  • If you have faith in yourself, your future, and the good in people, you have power.
  • Decide to view your challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • Recognize your core values are fundamental to your personal and, as well, your professional success.
  • Never deplete your trust account; it is almost impossible to build back up.
  • Work hard to give more than you receive.
  • View the position of thoughtfulness as a gift to share.
  • Stand ready for the fight, a good life is not a given – you must walk into that right.
  • Create your own personal measures of success.
  • Practice the fine art of leaving pieces of your heart sprinkled wherever you go.
Take special effort to enrich the inner world, one you alone rule - it affects your entire life.

Be Blessed In Love Always!
TR Ford, feeding hearts good in your community!
Home of SUNSHINE Brands...
Voice: 404-491-2933

Friday, March 2, 2018


Positive Revitalizing Activating
That Inspire Creative Empowered Selves!

plants seeds of possibilities
grows awareness & care for others
cultivates an attitude of appreciation
shapes ethical standards & accountability
ignites inner peace that spreads
triumphs small accomplishments
promotes growth for self & others
stimulates the senses
opens doors
moves mountains

PRACTICES - part of the curriculum of An Extreme LOVING Experience (AELEX)!
More on these empowering PRACTICES, sign-up for ALEX today, why - because ALEX is all about love, and...
Loving you better allows you to love others more.
*worth a highlight and repeat...
Loving you better allows you to love others more.

"Please check out TSN Online Learning Laughing Loving Community. Click on enroll with your email address to receive a special gift from me.I promise, cross my heart, it will warm your heart and brighten your day.
Thank you.”
Be Blessed in Love Always!
