The Horror of FREE!
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see an item or service that is FREE?
Could that first thought be what’s the catch?
Oftentimes, we find FREE comes with strings attached.
Sometimes FREE is peddled as a great value and then, we may find it was not valuable to us at all. And, then FREE may waste precious time as the item or service turns out to be something you could not use and certainly, not benefit from.
Now, what if the FREE item or service had no strings attached? What if it adds value to your life in many ways? What if it is something you can revisit again and again?
What if an online course about the powers of intentional love could be yours FREE -- Would you be tempted to check it out?
WPEC serves as the introduction to our signature course, An Extreme LOVING Experience - AELEX!!!. WPEC is a full fun and engaging online course. It is about the wonderful powers of Love - the love of God, love for self and active love toward others.
Do not be misled by the title, Women Practicing Extreme self-Care is for anyone who understands the power gained from loving self better as a way to love others more. It stimulates the mind, soothes the soul and warms the heart and most important, it will remind you the importance of LOVING.
And, yes, WPEC is yours FREE!
Great LOVING course...