Upon waking each morning, I Thank God.
This morning was no exception… as I prayed to My God, Thank you God for Friday. I thought Thank You God for Thursday and Thank You God for Wednesday and on and on.
As I am Thanking God for the days just passed along with today, it came to me, there was one little word used repeatedly - the word AND.
It dawned on me – when I think of God, AND is there, always…
So thank you God for AND!
This tiny word stayed with me. Maybe from our Bible Study Lesson Thursday night – where we discussed the Majesty of God.
That God is so awesome and so unlimited, there are really no descriptions, no 60-second elevator speech, and no box to put God into for what God is and what God will and what God can do.
As I pondered this word AND, a tiny word that opens not closes, as there are no periods because AND creates, AND represent beginning – not endings. This word, AND reminds me of the greatness, the majesty of God.
As I think about my heavenly Father, I like to think of AND, as his goodness and his mercy and his love and, and, and…
(A New Day)! Thank you, Lord!
TR Johnson Ford, feeding hearts good in your community!
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