2018 - The year of
EMPOWERED hearts….
2018 - The year of EMPOWERED young-hearts with Young-hearts Energizing SNIPPETS (YES) – growing the hearts of budding young leaders to create a pay-it-forward approach to growth.
...So then, JUST what is an EMPOWERED heart?
OK, is an EMPOWERED heart one that is growing and open to receive? Is it a heart that is accepting and enlightened? Is it a motivated and exhilarated heart full of wonder that recharges and strengthens? Perhaps it is an influential, purposeful, and driven heart. What if it is roused and sparked up eager to warm a ready heart?
Yes, there are many glorious ways to style an empowered heart. How is this?
An EMPOWERED heart has a love for God and the love of God blossoming within; a heart with a mission to grow these loves to share with others.
How delightful ... you have a giving heart. May God continue to bless you.