Thursday, August 23, 2018

What Is LOVE? 
Is it feelings and emotions?  Is love simply caring for someone.  Is Loving showing consideration and thoughtfulness to another human being?  
Should we love purposely or by default?  Should we continue to be kind and love those who don't show us love?  
Why is Love important?  This show is about LOVING in action.  In creating the course, An Extreme LOVING Experience! people said, "there is already too much emphasis about loving self".  "When we love ourselves too much, it takes away from loving God".  How many of you agree with these statements?  
You and I - we were born from love!  We signed an invisible contract at our birth to love ourselves.  It is your birthright to love who you are and what you are about.  And, get this - loving yourself is not a special occasion, or a one-time event - it is a daily journey because as you grow in love with you, the world will love you too.
Know this, self-love is not believing you are better than someone else, it not excusing your mistakes and human flaws; it is simply taking great care of the inner you.  Another benefit of Loving self - the better you care for, appreciate and love yourself grows more love to share with others.  Think on this:  How is it possible for you and me to love someone else if we don't love or even like who we are?
An Extreme LOVING Experience is a simple reminder the importance of self-kindliness, self-care and self-love.  So -  love you and spread the love on purpose.
This is the First loving, heart-warming Heart Pump-up eposide.  Heart Pump-ups are designed to inspire - not to impress - to keep you in your own way loving self and loving those you touch.
Your Host, TR  - Share the love to Be Blessed With Love Always!

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