Monday, April 30, 2018

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

What is it about you mom that’s so warm?
How can you make me better no matter what’s wrong?
What is it about you that let me know I’m blessed?
What is it about you that no matter where I happen to be; when we talk - I’m home.
You have my best interest at heart, so when I miss the mark you say what is needed to bring back my spark.
How is it you know just the right words to say?
Just how do you know these things are so dear?
You pray tirelessly, and when asked why - you say – that’s the way God wants it done.
Mom, you are a special woman and my heart tells me God thinks so too.
Now you wish for nothing on this special day,
but my gift to you is to follow your way.
To be for mine what you are to me.
I love you Ms. Elsie
Happy Mother’s Day!

Friday, April 20, 2018

If improving our lives is the reason we are on earth, could helping others help seal our slot in heaven?
Corporate Snippets...Dear Leader:
  • 88 caring, action-driven and intentional methods to feed hearts good now & always.
  • 88 sparkling ways to keep knowledge in motion, yours and others.
  • 88 mini-lessons for bettering any people-focused setting.
  • 88 tools for sales meetings or brainstorming sessions.
  • 88 topics for daily affirmations.

Twenty-two powerful letters
+ 88 SnippTips
= Corporate Snippets...Dear Leader:

TR Ford, Be blessed with love always!

Love MY HEART day is TODAY!: An Ending - a beginning in reverse!

Love MY HEART day is TODAY!: An Ending - a beginning in reverse!: Today – a birthday and a funeral. Today is my birthday.  There is no cake with candles or wrapped presents, but there are people, many ...

An Ending - a beginning in reverse!

Today – a birthday and a funeral.
Today is my birthday.  There is no cake with candles or wrapped presents, but there are people, many people so much that the small church is full to capacity.  No one is singing Happy Birthday, but there is singing.  There is no champagne for a toast, but - one by one, people toast as they share loving memories.
Today – a birthday and a funeral.
A birthday signifies a celebration of happiness, the end of one year and the movement into the beginning of another year. 
A funeral also signifies a celebration of home going - the end of one way of life and the beginning of a new way of life.
Yes, today I celebrate my birthday as another new brighter beginning and yes, today we celebrated a new brighter beginning for our beloved Sam!
Yes, today a birthday, and a funeral – celebrating endings as the start of yet, a new beginning.

*a Poraso by TR Ford

Friday, April 6, 2018

Love MY HEART day is TODAY!: If your employees are unhappy…!Now, we know the...

Love MY HEART day is TODAY!:

If your employees are unhappy…!
Now, we know the...
: If your employees are unhappy…! Now, we know the word HAPPY aid values such as contentment, fulfillment, motivation and more. T...

If your employees are unhappy…!

Now, we know the word HAPPY aid values such as contentment, fulfillment, motivation and more.

The bottom line - people normally treat others the way they are treated.

If your employees are unhappy… so are your customers!


Corporate Snippets…Dear Leader:

Twenty-two bite-size letters reminding leaders to first value their own heart by treating it the best they can.

Second, Corporate Snippets…Dear Leader: helps leaders value the hearts of others, especially the hearts in their care, treating these hearts with sincere nurturing, care and growth opportunities.

Third, allow corporate resemble any people-oriented, therefore people-focused community such as schools, churches, organizations, and business offices.

And, fourth, the biggie - leadership is not who you are, it is what you do.  You and I, we all lead in some manner.

Check the video for a glimpse of this fun, engaging, and motivating course sure to excite, warm and stimulate hearts in your community.

TR Ford, Be Blessed With Love Always!
a place where love lives, blossoms & spreads.
