Friday, August 31, 2018

I love my legal shield membership...

Happy Friday:

May I share?  I am a writer/publisher and the good news is there may be interest in the licensing of one of my courses.

Okay, so last Friday at 1:55 p.m., I'm on the phone with the Legal Shield intake person.  After giving him a short description of my reason for calling, I asked, Will the attorney call me back today?  His response was "the attorney will definitely get back with you today - they have up to 6 hours to get back, but it is never that long".  

The attorney phoned me at 3:11 p.m.  We spoke for about 10 minutes with a follow-up plan to help me with my contract early next week.  Now, if I did not have my Legal Shield membership, I would not have called an attorney maybe paying anywhere from $150 plus for information I possible could have found after spending hours on the internet.  And, of course, the internet will not help me with my contract to make sure it is legal, and binding protecting my interest as the creator of my course.  

Now, many people don't think they will ever need the advice or help of an attorney - or when they think of getting help, they think it must be something major and dramatic - WRONG.

Please enjoy the attached video.  Now, we have all heard "knowledge is power", well with my Legal Shield membership, I like to boost this up by saying "knowledge with utility empowers". My passion is writing and my Legal Shield membership helps me write and create with peace of mind.

TR Ford, Be Blessed With Love Always!

P.S.  Please check out Another Tuesday Morning - Thank You, GOD! - your Tuesday morning DOSE of Sunshine every Tuesday morning rain or shine...

Monday, August 27, 2018

She found her passion. 

TR believe it is God ordained when your passion comes (seemingly) by chance. When you feel deep in your heart there is something you must do - do it. When we do something for the money, the accolades, but not from our heart; it is not worthy of who we are.

This is TR's Story...

TR had fleeting moments of writing a best seller - haven't we all? But when those thoughts surfaced, she cast them aside thinking "what do I have to write about", "who would I write to', and "who would care?".
TR put pen to paper to thank eight earthly women who played a dramatic role when her only daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer. The women, women she saw as Angels were a Godsend, becoming an extended family helping TR care for her daughter.
TR knew deep in her heart the Angels played an essential role in her daughter's recovery and through their collaborated care, they became a powerful loving force in her daughter’s life.
The Thank-you letter to her daughter's Angels evolved into a tiny booklet praising them for all they had done for her and her family. But, the tiny booklet did so much more - writing the thank you words to the Angels helped TR discover her passion to entertain, educate, empower and love others through her written words.
Fast forward eight years, her daughter is good, the Angels are still in her daughter's life and TR has a consuming passion to write and create to share the love. She has created a host of loving books and courses, aka SUNSHINE Brands to stimulate the mind, soothe the soul and nurture and love the heart.
TR continues her quest to feed hungry hearts with love. She believes all hearts matter, all hearts need care to grow and thrive, and most importantly, all hearts need the reciprocal gift of loving.
Author/Publisher and CEO of TSN Online Learning Laughing Loving Community! – a place where love lives, blossoms, and spreadsTR says, “feed your heart love, feed it often and share the love to Be Blessed With Love Always”!

Next week's Another Tuesday Morning - Thank You, GOD!!!
18 (& growing) Marvelous Ways LOVE Gets Done!
Don't miss it - it is all about YOU!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

What Is LOVE? 
Is it feelings and emotions?  Is love simply caring for someone.  Is Loving showing consideration and thoughtfulness to another human being?  
Should we love purposely or by default?  Should we continue to be kind and love those who don't show us love?  
Why is Love important?  This show is about LOVING in action.  In creating the course, An Extreme LOVING Experience! people said, "there is already too much emphasis about loving self".  "When we love ourselves too much, it takes away from loving God".  How many of you agree with these statements?  
You and I - we were born from love!  We signed an invisible contract at our birth to love ourselves.  It is your birthright to love who you are and what you are about.  And, get this - loving yourself is not a special occasion, or a one-time event - it is a daily journey because as you grow in love with you, the world will love you too.
Know this, self-love is not believing you are better than someone else, it not excusing your mistakes and human flaws; it is simply taking great care of the inner you.  Another benefit of Loving self - the better you care for, appreciate and love yourself grows more love to share with others.  Think on this:  How is it possible for you and me to love someone else if we don't love or even like who we are?
An Extreme LOVING Experience is a simple reminder the importance of self-kindliness, self-care and self-love.  So -  love you and spread the love on purpose.
This is the First loving, heart-warming Heart Pump-up eposide.  Heart Pump-ups are designed to inspire - not to impress - to keep you in your own way loving self and loving those you touch.
Your Host, TR  - Share the love to Be Blessed With Love Always!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Another Tuesday Morning - Thank You, GOD!

ATM - TYG!  

TR Snippets Morning Dose of SUNSHINE!


Judge Not...

DON’T JUDGE ME ....................Wow!!!!.....
I was shocked, confused, bewildered As I entered Heaven's door, Not by the beauty of it all, Nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven Who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners, The alcoholics and the trash. There stood the kid from seventh grade Who swiped my lunch money twice. Next to him was my old neighbor Who never said anything nice. Herb, who I always thought Was rotting away in hell, Was sitting pretty on cloud nine, Looking incredibly well.
I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal? I would love to hear Your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake. 'And why is everyone so quiet, So somber - give me a clue.' 'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock. No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


Every saint has a PAST...

Every sinner has a FUTURE!!!

TR Ford - this author is unknown, but it is great to share the love -
Be Blessed With Love Always!

Your comments are encouraged and appreciated...

TSN Online Learning Laughing Loving Community!
 Designed to INSPIRE - not to impress!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Katallage Ministry
Bible Study Tonight


8/16/2018   -  7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Romans - Chapter 7

"The analogy of marriage can be applied to our relationship with the law.  Paul has already said that we cannot be saved by the law, since no one can keep it perfectly. Here he explains that in the same way a married woman is bound by her husband only as long as he is alive, so also we cannot be condemned by the law because we are now united with Christ.  We are free..."

Join our online Meeting
Call in 605-475-4120 (access code: 231 0541) 

Your Brother in Christ, Minister Freddie Ford
We are a group of believers studying, learning, sharing and loving The Word - you are welcomed! 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Love MY HEART day is TODAY!: ​The Ugliness of INDIFFERENCE!13 August, 2018All o...

Love MY HEART day is TODAY!: ​The Ugliness of INDIFFERENCE!13 August, 2018All o...: ​The Ugliness of INDIFFERENCE! 13 August, 2018 All of us have been subject to another’s lack of concern, or interest that leaves...

​The Ugliness of INDIFFERENCE!

All of us have been subject to another’s lack of concern, or interest that leaves a sour taste in our mouths, stings our heart and pinches our soul.
Sometimes with the busyness of life and moving about our lives, we can become so fixed on our goal that unthinkingly we hurt someone with our harsh words or being thoughtless or inattentive.
Maybe a loved-one shares something that is special to them; we treat it as trivia or downplay it. How hurtful to be unaware of another's pain right in front of us. How insensitive (and bad-mannered) not to apologize when we've kept someone waiting. How about not acknowledging someone at our counter waiting on a service. How ineffectual not thanking our staff for a job well done (yes, it is their job), but a sincere thank you will go a long way.
These acts of indifference hurt.
When we are careless with someone's feelings, it shows a lack of concern for the person.
 This is not a good thing as we are all worthy of being treated in a considerate manner.

There are so many little ways thoughtlessness can creep into our lives; and we know that the little things often end up hurting the most...
And, how easy (and simple) little gestures and genuine acts of care and attention makes us feel good, and special.
Paying attention is key, because acts, and the ugliness of indifference is cold, lonely and it hurts.

Home of SUNSHINE Brands - something great and something beautiful for every heart!

Monday, August 6, 2018

Another Tuesday Morning - Thank You, GOD!!! - A Great Leader is Motivated to...

A great leader is on a learning journey taking others with him or her.

They recognize the journey is not a destination to an end; it is a learning, changing and growing adventure for themselves and those they lead. 

Great Leaders desire, so they plan, and then they expect a great growth journey for themselves and those they lead. They do this by connecting, communicating and collaborating to generate growth for the entire community.  

A great leader maximize productivity of all by incorporating the important contributions of each person to ensure the growth of the whole.

A great leader naturalness is to strengthen, motivate and inspire, in other words, to Raise Them Up.

May we now introduce --

This empowering platform promotes the power of taking good care of hearts, the leader's own heart and the hearts trusted in his or her care...

Now, think on this:  
Aren’t you and I, all of us leaders in some manner?

A Great Leader is motivated to 
“Raise Them Up!”

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Young-hearts Energizing SNIPPETS (YES)!

Young-hearts Energizing SNIPPETS (YES)!
Yes to YES, because Young-hearts have power too!
Macon, GA, Feb. 1, 2018 – The Snippets Network (TSN) today announced the launch of Young-hearts Energizing SNIPPETS (YES), its newest online course under the TSN Online Learning Laughing Loving Community!
YES is a game changer for young people," says TR Ford, CEO of TSN. YES teach young hearts to recognize his or her own power. To embrace, grow, and share that power with other young hearts. YES builds confidence in young hearts creating an urgency in today for a great tomorrow. YES is fun and exciting, educational and entertaining, it engages to empower.
TSN slogan – 2018 - The Year of EMPOWERED Young-hearts! --   a goal to arm thousands of young-hearts with Young-hearts Energizing SNIPPETS (YES)!
Your help is needed!
A place where love lives, blossoms & spreads!

Your Instructor, TR Ford!

Young-hearts Energizing SNIPPETS (YES), offers young adults an opportunity to view their future as an adventure. One that is full of love, excitement, and fun.
YES helps young-hearts embrace the power of today as the beginning of a great TOMORROW. They step purposely,boldly, and excitedly to a future they imagine.
Yes, to YES for young-hearts - fashioned after the empowering rays of the sun to stimulate the mind, soothe the soul, and warm the heart today, tomorrow, and always.

TR says, Feed your heart good, feed it often and share the feed to be blessed with LOVE always!